Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 8

End of Week 8 and... 2.6kgs lost!! A massive one! I now weigh 100.3kgs. I am SO close to my first big goal of 20kgs lost and being in double digits. I have been salivating over this moment for so long and it is now so close. Barring anything unforeseeable, I should hit my goal next week! And then I get to treat myself with a lovely manicure as reward!

This week went far better than expected. I had planned to stay on intensive through Christmas and succeeded! It was not easy, mind you. I did decide on Christmas day to take two small lean pieces of turkey on my plate with my salad. And it was delicious. I guess it's technically a 'cheat' but I knew that being protein it wouldn't affect my ketosis or weight loss too much.

I haven't cheated at any of the functions we've been to and didn't really want to. Christmas day was probably the hardest since there was so much sitting around the table looking at food. But what was great was the support from my family. They were all really interested in the diet and kept remarking on how well it was obviously working. So, nobody was trying to get me to eat anything I couldn't. The only thing that was tough was that it sometimes made people feel uncomfortable to be eating those things in front of me. Hopefully they get used to it!

After that day, I felt so many cravings. I guess it was just all the ideas of food and sweets that it had put in my head. The day before I'd made 5 chocolate houses and a cheesecake to bring for presents and dessert and hadn't licked a single spoon or finger! But I think after the day was done I was just so overwhelmed with sugary/fatty food images that it was playing on my mind a bit.

I was nice to myself and let myself have free reign on all my leftover salads and veggie sticks. And my new soda stream was a bit of a saviour too. Gosh I love that machine! I did go a bit nuts on some sugarfree gummybears over those two days too. They are not exactly low in carbs and being chewy I just seem to be able to hoe through them, not like the boiled sweets. So, any kind of jelly sugarfree lollies are now not allowed for me anymore.

A few days on now and I have gotten stuck in to some painting and cleaning in preparation for my sister's week-long visit tomorrow. I feel great and that I am past those nasty cravings.

This week's loss is a wonderful motivator and reminder that I AM strong enough to do this. And those days, even though they seem hard, do pass eventually.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! All the best for the New Year!

WIL: 2.6kgs; control over how many sugarfree gummy bears I can eat.
WIG: SO many compliments; a stronger willpower after resisting a billion temptations.

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