Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 4

Week 4 sees a nice 1.9kg loss! Yay! It was TTOM for me this week, but it looks like I might be lucky and it doesn't affect my weight loss too much. I guess we will see if I'm consistent in future!

I feel fantastic today. I am wearing a work shirt that I thought was going to be relegated to the "unwearable" pile for good. But now it's back on and it's not so tight around my arms I can't move them (like it was before!).

Another real win for this week was when I went out twice on the weekend and got dressed so easily. I picked up clothes and put them on and they fit me. Not like in the past where it was always a hit or miss if something was going to fit me that day since my weight was just out of control. Those days were so difficult - such a hit to the self esteem. And then, nothing I put on would ever look good, since I felt so down about myself. I don't ever want to not go to another event/gathering, just because I can't feel good about how I look. I plan on making sure those days are behind me for good!

My boyfriend notices the difference too. I'm WAY less snappy and grumpy. I'm just a nicer person to be around. Also, he said he could see that my face was thinner and that I just looked "smaller". Loving that!

Oh and my new discovery of the week was Cauliflower Hummus (1/2 cauliflower steamed, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tsp of sesame oil, 2 tsp of olive oil, 1/2 tsp of paprika - all blended in the food processor). Made such a great dip for my veggie sticks! AND my friends seemed to like it too! Cauliflower is the best!

Today I'm walking around like a skinny girl. Even though I'm not. I just feel so good about myself and the changes I'm making. Hope you're all doing well and feeling good. :)

WIL: 1.9kgs and a bit of the old grump in me.
WIG: The ability to get dressed and leave the house without drama; Cauliflower Hummus; a wee bit of that thing they call confidence!

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