Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thoughts on Ketosis

I seriously love ketosis. And I'm 100% certain that's the most important thing about the Optifast diet.

I haven't come out of ketosis since I started and I'm not planning to! The couple of times I went over 800 cals was only with extra veggies and protein. I don't know what it's like to cheat with carbs and have to go through getting into ketosis again. My first few days were really hard, so I've vowed not to put myself through that again. I think the best thing you can do on this diet is try not to cheat with carbs and come out of ketosis. Because then you will be hungry and want to cheat even more.
If I was one of those people that can just have 'A' piece of chocolate or 'ONE' biscuit, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I don't care what anyone else says to me about it being "Christmas!" or "It's just one day a year", it isn't like that for me. I am a food addict. Food can't be fun for me, anymore. It just needs to be fuel.

I've decided to stay on Intensive through Christmas. I've been to several social occasions now and just brought salad. People understand. And, I've decided that even if they don't understand, I don't care! It's not their body I'm looking after!

Even after just 4 weeks, I am happier now than I ever was when I was stuffing my face with junk. That pleasure was fleeting, and almost always followed by regret and self-loathing.

I'm going to succeed because I'm doing this for good. Sure, I'm going to slowly increase my calories over the stages, but this is what I eat now - the nutrients I need to live.

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