Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 13

One week of Transition down and I feel great! It's been a mental win this week being able to eat a bit more food. Just that afternoon yoghurt snack in itself is doing wonders for my sanity. I really appreciate everything that Intensive did for me - the detox, the break, the time off thinking about food - but right now I am LOVING the ability to have meat and dairy!

This week I was even pleasantly surprised by an awesome loss - 1.5kgs! Was not expecting that! But I have heard a few people say they have a good week when they move to Transition - must be something the body likes about changing things up.

Pretty awesome having the "kgs to go" be less than what I've already lost! Also the BMI is 32.4 now - creeping creeping towards the Overweight range. Can't wait for that. Oh - and the day my scales stop telling me my body age is 50 will be nice. I think they were saying 54 when I started, but I would very much like them to be a lot closer to my age (28)! Pretty scary thinking that I am getting about like someone nearly twice my age. That must change!!

I did another measure around the waist today too and have happily lost another 2cms. That's 12cms off my waist in total now, which I'm pleased about. I wish I'd taken more measurements in the beginning, but I know that my weight is pretty evenly spaced so there would be reductions everywhere. (Even though some days it feels like I've lost 20kgs exclusively off my boobs!)

The other thing I'm loving is the energy to exercise! It's been great being able to do some runs. We are onto Week 2 of the C25K now and I just did the first run of the week this morning. It was tough. The difficulty has been amped up since last week to 90sec jog and 120sec walk intervals. I did struggle towards the end, but I just slowed up the pace and kept going. The headwind that changed directions so we were constantly running into it was fun (not!) - but I guess I need to learn to run in all conditions. The important thing is that I did it. And next time should be easier.
The endorphins are great. Addictive really. I can see how people become gym junkies. Even though running itself isn't super enjoyable, the feeling of accomplishment and the rush afterwards (which lasts me most of the day) is really wonderful. Is that maybe the Runners High people talk about? Or is that something that happens during running - I should probably look that up!

Oh and today I have finally vowed to get some new undies. My old size 20s are literally falling off me. They are most uncomfortable to run in too. I have my tight leggings over the top, and they are all just a big jumble of loose material underneath. No fun. So, I'll have to grab some new ones this week. Sizing will be interesting - since you can't really try them on at the store! I think I might risk it and get size 16s.

All in all - a great week! Best wishes to everyone reading.

WIL: 1.5kgs and 2cms off the waist! Byebye size 20 undies!
WIG: More food, more fitness, more happiness! Such a great sense of achievement.


  1. You are doing wonderfully! I'm inspired by your C25K thing. I'll have to think about that :-) Way to go! Christy

    1. Thanks so much, Christy! If you think you can jog for 60 seconds you can do it. It's tough at first, but it doesn't matter how slow you go. Even if you feel you could walk faster. Additionally, you can repeat weeks if you're not ready for the next one yet. It's all about running your own race (so to speak!) :-)

  2. I posted a big long comment the other day from my iPad but then got kicked off because I had not logged into my wordpress account and lost the whole thing - at least I think I did...
    Anyway, basically what I wrote was that starting the C25K is an awesome idea and I highly encourage getting an exercise program in place while doing Optifast - at least at some level. I think it makes things so much easier when you get to maintenance. I also think that running (or exercising) will give you something else to focus your energy on other than just your food selections.
    I also wanted to kinda warn you that sometimes the C25K program ramps up too fast for people. It might be pretty easy for a few weeks but then it jumps to too much running too quickly. Please don't get discouraged if that happens - just repeat a week or two - or three until you can do it - and then move on. It took me forever to run a quarter mile straight and little by little I worked up to more mileage - until I ran a freaking half marathon a couple of weeks ago. If I can do it, anyone can! I have received so many gifts from starting to run and met the coolest people.

    1. Thanks Martha. I really appreciate your post. It was reading blogs like yours that got me so excited to start learning how to run. I won't be afraid to repeat a week or three if it gets too tough too fast. :-)
      And you're right... thinking about something other than food choices is so nice. It's great to have goals other than weight loss for a change.

  3. I'm so happy for you that your transition from the liquids to "real" food has been so great. I, too, have experienced the problem of underwear that ended up being too big. Better go out and get new ones soon so you can avoid having them fall down on you!

    1. Thanks Kathy! Yes - it could be pretty embarrassing if I don't fix that now! hehe
      Thanks again for reading. :-)


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