Saturday, January 11, 2014


I decided to try out the light (5.5kg) resistance bands anyway. Either they are WAY harder to use than weights or I am not as strong as I thought I was. So, I'm glad that I didn't take them back to replace for thicker ones! They are a little awkward getting used to, but I pushed through and did about a 20-30min workout yesterday with them! It was very hot here in Perth yesterday (and today - 44 degrees celcius OMG!) so I was a little light-headed when I was finished. I will have to be careful not to overdo it too much.

This morning I looked up a few videos on people using the resistance bands. The one I linked here I think I will try tomorrow because it looks fairly simple. I will also add in a few squats and lunges for the lower body. And maybe... *cringe* some ab exercises. 

I was reading through the Exercise Guide that comes with the bands and realised I was immediately skimming over ALL the ab ones. I HATE AB EXERCISES! Mostly because I don't have a fitball or anything so they always hurt my neck and back. But, sigh. I should probably try to find some compound exercises with the bands or something like that so that I can at least work them out a little. Small steps. Let's not get too crazy here!

Tonight we have some friends of ours coming over for dinner. We already made a berry mousse and prepped the chicken (in Lemon & Herb marinade) last night. I was very conscious not to accidentally let any spoons or fingers go into my mouth when making the mousse!  All that's left to do today is a quick whizz-around clean-up, make a nice yummy garden salad, and then an hour before they arrive, pop some potatoes and the chicken in the oven. 

I'll just have salad tonight, and an Optifast dessert for me to have while everyone else has mousse. I find it's best if I'm eating at the same time as everyone else. Not so much because I get jealous or cravings (I seem to be mostly past that) but because I feel self-conscious that I'm making others uncomfortable if I'm not eating too.

Hope everyone is having and has a great weekend! 


  1. Hooray for the resistance bands! I appreciated your thoughts on eating/not eating at a dinner party. I haven't crossed that bridge it, but was wondering about it :-) Have a great weekend! Christy

    1. Thanks Christy. I know things are a little different on the US version. We are allowed 2-4 cups of veg a day on top of our OF products. I know some of you guys just have your shake at dinner with everyone else.


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