Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 10

Today is Week 10 Weigh-In day. I lost 0.9kg in the last week. First time on this diet that I've lost less than 1kg, but whatever! It's still 900grams I'm not carrying around with me.
I was good this week. I didn't deviate at all. I'm really in a routine with my eating now. Yesterday I went and saw The Hunger Games 2 with a friend of mine. I took my 1L water bottle and even bought along a little snap-lock bag of veggie sticks to have in the movie.  In the end, I actually didn't really miss snacking that much, so I only ate a few.
Actually, after the movie, my friend bought himself a packet of potato chips. He offered me one, smiling. (He knows that I'm on a diet). I said "No, thanks." He replied, "I bet you do, really."

That made me stop and think! Thing is, I didn't really. I wasn't hungry, I wasn't craving salt. I didn't even expect that it would taste particularly nice. Why would I want to eat it? I feel like some big changes are happening inside me!

Oh, and people are starting to notice! Today a colleague came back from 3 weeks off over Xmas/New Year. He remarked that I looked different. I don't like to draw attention to my weight loss that much so I just said "Oh, okay!" But, he insisted that I must have lost weight and that it was noticable! I thanked him, of course! A man noticed. Woohoo! He is the first person to say anything at work, apart from my good friend who tells me I look fantastic almost every day - bless her! So, you can count that as two compliments today. Score!
On the water front, I've been trying to keep my intake at around 3 litres a day, and, so far so good! My Water Your Body app is helping remind me. I usually drink a lot of water. But days where I might have some diet soft drink, I tend to drink a little less. So, now that I'm being more conscious of it, I seem to not have any room for soft drink. Which, is a good thing. I think it's best if I keep it for treats as I've found a can of Diet Coke really helps if I'm having a hungry moment or need a little pick me up!
My skin is continuing to improve and clear up. I haven't had any big pimples in a while and most of the blotching from past acne is calming down a bit. However, I am more aware of it now, and probably more critical. It's amazing how many things about my appearance I just didn't even care about when I was fatter. I didn't bother with makeup, with doing anything with my hair. I didn't think about clothes too much. Never did my nails, etc. I didn't want to draw attention to myself. And often thought I was disgusting anyway, so why even bother? Now, I feel like I'm trying to be the best me I can be in every way!
In other news, I managed to do 4 x 30min walks and 2 x 30min stationary bike rides this week. Plus one workout with my resistance bands. I'm very conscious of trying to get a bit fitter and toned now. I don't want to become obsessed with fitness, but I want to make sure that when I've lost all my weight I don't then need to do another 6 months of training on top of it to tighten everything up! Also, I need to build good habits now that will last me for my lifetime of maintaining.

This next week I'm aiming to step it up to 3 x bike rides and 3 x resistance band workouts, and at least 4 walks (as usual). Might think about adding in an extra 100g of protein on those days as I don't want to push myself into starvation mode!

My goal for the mental side of things this week, is to be positive! No need for getting stressed or worried. The weight is coming off. It will be gone, eventually. Stay strong, and keep going!
WIL: Nearly a kilo! The ability to wear all but one pair of my work pants.
WIG: Compliments. Better skin. Renewed positive attitude.

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