Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tea and Hunger

I'm sitting here with a hot pot of Shimmer Punch by T2 tea. It is delicious. I'm obsessed with T2. One day when I work out how to make the camera on my phone work I will take a picture of the stash of them I have at work.

This Shimmer Punch one is my current favourite. You can either make it hot or chilled, but I haven't tried having it chilled yet since something about the warmth of tea helps me with cravings and boredom hunger. I like to make up a pot (2 cups worth) and then a little later make another pot with the same tea. The second batch is much weaker - and I really like that.

Anyway, this cup is doing the job - mostly!

I've been pretty consistently hungry lately and I feel like it's wearing on me. At first I thought it might be something to do with the fact I've been having quite a few more of the New Formula shakes lately. The new ones have a bit more carbs (around 7gs more) and a bit more sugar than the old ones. My staple has usually been the Old Formula since it's a bit cheaper.

So, today and yesterday I have stuck to the old formula to see if it makes a difference. Just to see if the extra carbs were maybe pushing me out of ketosis. Or if it was the sugar giving me cravings. Well, yesterday went well but I am hungry again today.

I've cut way back on the exercise too - just waiting for Transition before I pick it up again. So, it can't be that. It could be just a psychological thing - that I'm so excited for Transition that I keep thinking about food?

My day usually goes like this:

7am - 30min Walk
7.30am - Breakfast shake with Benefibre, glass of Berocca + another 500ml water
9am - 12pm (at work) Anywhere between 1-2.5 litres of herbal tea and water
12/12.30pm - Lunch shake and salad or veggie sticks (I usually try to hold off til 12.30pm, but the girls at work like to eat at 12
2pm-5pm - Another 1-2 litres of tea and water and MASSIVE HUNGRIES (lately)
6pm - Dinner shake and either soup/salad or stir fry. Sometimes I have a dessert instead of the shake.
I've tried having a shake at around 3 or 4pm to stave off the hungries, but that just means that I'm hungry later when I only have veggies for dinner. I've never found veggies to be filling. If anything, I find that they make me hungrier - especially things like celery. My mushroom soup is pretty filling, but the same can't be said for salads and stir fries.

In the beginning this system was working. But now, it's really really not. I guess I just need to stick it out for 3 more days and then I can have my fruit and dairy snacks to tide me over. I haven't come this far to give in!!

In other news - things might be getting better at work (fingers crossed!) My boss came up to me this afternoon and said he wanted to send me on a Project Management course and that he wants the two of us to get a proper system in place for dealing with projects. I have been whinging about the way things are done around here for a while now - so this is great! In fact, he joked that the Project Methodology we use around here is "Crisis Management". lol. Hopefully it all goes ahead and gets approved and isn't just pie in the sky. I would really like to change things around here - but just not on my own. Plus, that kind of training is something I've wanted to do for ages and is really valuable!


  1. You're in the home stretch, you'll get there! And you've done so well :) I'm beginning to feel weary and I'm only at the end of week 7. I have even had one of those low carb rye wraps with dinner last night & tonight. Luckily I'm not getting too bad cravings but I think being bored at work is making me less patient with the diet.

    Speaking of work, it sounds like you have some exciting opportunities ahead of you! I'm thinking of taking a management course myself (I want my boss' job one day!).

    1. Thanks so much for your support, smittenkitten. I'm glad you sympathise a bit. I feel like I drew heavily from my Optifast friends, MyFitnessPal friends and real life friends for support yesterday. But, I managed to get through. And I feel much stronger today. It really is amazing what a few people saying "I believe in you" can do. I am truly lucky to have so many put that kind of faith in me!

      Bored a work is definitely a problem - I feel you there! Some new training and opportunities will be good for the both of us, I think!

  2. No advice for the hunger. Maybe up the veggies at night, how much do you have at night. I went through a period of doing that - shake late arvo then lots of veg for dinner. Regardless, you're powering through it, good on you.

    1. Thanks Jaynie. Good advice on the veggies. I've been mainly having a serve of Mushroom soup at night, and veggie sticks throughout the day. I could probably throw in a garden salad for afternoon tea. I'm sure that would be fine. Thanks so much! xx


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